About Us

We choose emotion…
for the people we love, care and think about and … with whom we share happiness. With or without an occasion. Choosing a gift is something deeply personal – both for the one, who gives it, and for the one, that receives it. This choice is a real experience by itself: for the ones, that like us, believe not in material things but in unforgettable moments and love!
For the love that spreads! For the ideas and people that we love!

Gifting a voucher…
The vouchers that we offer are valid for up to 1 year from their purchase. Within this period, they can be swapped for any other available offer on our website. Vouchers carry the freedom to be used whenever and however we would like to. Freedom that contributes to the complete joy the gift embodies.

strongly believe that a valuable gift carries love and evolves into a wonderful memory
carefully select our offers… and we are convinced, that every single one of them brings the spirit of the unusual, most intimate bond between people with ideas, interests and curiosity
will assist and help you throughout the whole process – from choosing the voucher to providing the very experience
have invested heart and soul in the beautiful package
deliver at the very right moment.